The Easy Sower comes with 6 different seed discs. It is easy to change them. Choose a disc with holes slightly larger than the seeds you intend to sow. The disc must be used combined with the thin disc cover which is the distance chooser.
The distance is chosen by covering holes with the disc. It has 3 positions and 2 holes visible = 20 cm distance between the seeds. 4 holes = 10 cm and 8 holes = 5 cm. Insert the disc with disc cover and assemble the sower as shown below.

To change the seed distance chose one of 3 positions for the seed disc cover.
Position 1 will cover all holes except 2 which = seed distance of 20 cm.
Position 2 will leave 4 holes open = seed distance of 10 cm.
Position 3 will leave all 8 holes open = seed distance of 5 cm.